Privacy & Cookies

Wine Goods Privacy Policy 

Updated: August 25 2021

This privacy policy will explain how Wine Goods (“we”, “us”) use the personal data we collect from you when you use our website. 

What data do we collect?

This website is hosted by Squarespace. Squarespace collects personal data when you visit this website, including:

  • Information about your browser, network and device

  • Web pages you visited prior to coming to this website

  • Your IP address

Squarespace needs the data to run this website, and to protect and improve its platform and services. Squarespace analyzes the data in a de-personalized form.

This information may also include details about your use of this website, including:

  • Clicks

  • Internal links

  • Pages visited

  • Scrolling

  • Searches

  • Timestamps

We share this information with Squarespace, our website analytics provider, to learn about site traffic and activity.

This website uses font files from Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts. To properly display this site to you, servers where the font files are stored may receive personal information about you, including:

  • Information about your browser, network, or device

  • Your IP address

We collect the following data:

  • Personal identification information (Name, email address)

How do we collect your data?

You directly provide Wine Goods with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you:

  • Voluntarily complete a customer survey or provide feedback on any of our message boards or via email.

  • Use or view our website via your browser’s cookies.

  • Sign up to receive email communications.

How will we use your data?

Our Company collects your data so that we can:

  • Email you with information, products and services we think you might like.

  • Fulfil administrative requirements.

  • Obey laws and regulations which apply to us.

How do we store your data?

Our Company securely stores your data with Squarespace and Mailchimp. You can find out more about how they store data on their websites. We limit access to any personal information we have (name, email).

Our Company will keep your information for as long as we need it to fulfil the purposes above. If we no longer require it for the purposes above, we will delete or anonymize your data.


Our Company would like to send you information about products and services of ours that we think you might like. To do this we use Mailchimp, an email marketing platform. We ask for your details (email address, name) which are stored by Mailchimp. You can view their privacy policy here. You can opt out at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of each email. You can also contact us directly at

If you have agreed to receive marketing, you may always opt out at a later date. You have the right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes.

What are your data protection rights?

Wine Goods would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request we complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:

Or write to us:


This website uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. For information about viewing the cookies dropped on your device, visit the cookies Squarespace uses.

For further information, visit

How do we use cookies?

Our Company uses cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including:

  • Keeping you signed in

  • Understanding how you use our website

What types of cookies do we use?

There are a number of different types of cookies. 

  • Functionality – Our Company uses these cookies so that we recognize you on our website and remember your previously selected preferences. These could include what language you prefer and location you are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.

  • Advertising – Our Company uses these cookies to collect information about your visit to our website, the content you viewed, the links you followed and information about your browser, device, and your IP address. Our Company sometimes shares some limited aspects of this data with third parties for advertising purposes. We may also share online data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. This means that when you visit another website, you may be shown advertising based on your browsing patterns on our website.

These functional and required cookies are always used, which allow Squarespace, our hosting platform, to securely serve this website to you:

 Name, Purpose, type, and duration


  • Supports login by Scheduling client if the client has an account.

  • Cookie

  • January 1, 2025


  • Supports login by Scheduling client if the client has an account.

  • Cookie

  • January 1, 2025 


  • Adds auto-populated suggestions to address fields in Scheduling to help clients complete forms faster.

  • localstorage

  • Persistent


  • Improves performance in Scheduling by using one server for the duration of the session.

  • Cookie

  • 1 week


  • Shows when a visitor adds a product to their cart

  • Cookie

  • 2 weeks


  • Identifies the correct site for checkout when Checkout on Your Domain is disabled.

  • Cookie

  • Session


  • Stores state of checkout while the visitor is completing their order in PayPal

  • sessionstorage

  • Session



  • Tells Squarespace that the visitor has a cart

  • Cookie

  • 2 weeks 


  • Prevents the password-protected screen from displaying if a visitor enters the correct site-wide password. 

  • Cookie

  • Session


  • Securely authenticates a visitor during their checkout in Scheduling.

  • Cookie

  • 1 month


  • Prevents redirect loops if a site has custom URL redirects. Redirect loops are bad for SEO.

  • Cookie

  • 30 minutes


  • Remembers Scheduling client’s login details if they have an account.

  • Cookie

  • 365 days 



  • Identifies a visitor who logs into a customer account

  • Cookie

  • 3 years


  • Authenticates a visitor who logs into a customer account

  • Cookie

  • 3 years


  • Prevents the announcement bar from displaying if a visitor dismisses it

  • localstorage

  • Persistent


  • Shows when you've already "liked" a blog post.

  • localstorage

  • Persistent


  • Prevents the promotional pop-up from displaying if a visitor dismisses it

  • localstorage

  • Persistent


  • Ensures that visitors on the Squarespace 5 platform remain authenticated during their sessions.

  • Cookie

  • Session


  • Investigates if the browser supports cookies and prevents errors.

  • Cookie

  • Session


  • Allows a Scheduling client’s appointments to display correctly based on their time zone preferences.

  • localstorage

  • Persistent

These analytics and performance cookies are used on this site, as described below, only when you acknowledge our cookie banner. We use analytics cookies to view site traffic, activity, and other data.

Cookie Name, Duration. Purpose

ss_cid, 2 years. Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

ss_cookieAllowed, 30 days. Remembers if a visitor agreed to placing Analytics cookies on their browser if a site is restricting the placement of cookies

ss_cpvisit, 2 years. Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

ss_cvisit, 30 minutes. Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

ss_cvr, 2 years. Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site

ss_cvt, 30 minutes. Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site


How to manage cookies

You can set your browser not to accept cookies. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result.

Privacy policies of other websites

Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website from our website, you should read their privacy policy.

Changes to our privacy policy

Wine Goods keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email us at: