Wine Goods is a shop for wine stuff.

We think that wine is made better by all sorts of things, from what you use to open it to the glass you pour it in, the books you read to find out more about it and the friends you drink it with.

“Our glass flames and crackles”

— Salvador Dalí, The Wines of Gala

Coming from a background in wine, studying, tasting and, most importantly, drinking it, we’ve found that wine has become a part of our lifestyle. This has led to us sourcing only the things we would want ourselves and bringing them into one place.

We seek out the best for wine drinkers everywhere basing our selection on aesthetic and functional merit or even quirkiness. So long as it adds to the enjoyment of wine, we like it, and our selection will grow over time as we find more products that do this.

So, we hope that you find something here that increases your pleasure from wine, a little bit or a lot!